Thursday, April 27, 2006

The only effective pain reliever I have found so far is porn

My addiction is pornography and the other act that goes with it that I am too ashamed to write. The people that love me have told me many times that I need to stop this behavior. They tell me that I am hurting my family but they do not consider the extreme pain that I am in. I cannot tell you how bad I hurt on the inside! It is the pain of rejection. There are no words that you could say, or scripture that you could quote, that would ease this pain. The only effective pain reliever I have found so far is porn. Who would deny me of some pain free time? Even if it is just temporary.


Anonymous said...

I hope that you see this. I dont know who you are or where you live, but I have just read your message, and I am also addicted to porn. Very often I feel alone and desperate. I have no one who will love and hold me the way I would like. No one to kiss and wisper to me, but I have porn...and I use it alot. I know that I need help, because the truth is that porn IS emotionally destructive, even though it might ease the pain a little. I will pray for you. Please if you read this say a prayer for me too.

Anonymous said...

Its me again, I posted the first comment as well. How are you doing? How has your life been? Mine has been pretty lousy latley. I was doing better for awhile but now I feel like I'm back where I started. The girl that I have loved for the past four years thinks I'm a jerk and maybe I am. My heart hurts so much and it seems like no matter how I pray things dont get better. I still look at porn almost everyday. Please pray for me and I will do the same for you DEWDE. Comment back if you get this.

dewde said...

Hello Anonymous.

I did pray for you before. I will pray for you today, too.

I know you have recently fallen back into porn use, but to be honest I am really encouraged that you were "doing well for a while." I know many, many men that wish they could even say that. Be thankful.

I want to let you know that you can change. I have seen it! I have seen it in myself and in many, many men. I have read story after story of men walking in victory over porn addiction. Here me clearly. It is possible for them and it is possible for you.

You have to be willing to try what you haven't tried yet. Praying is an awesome start, but it is by no means the only thing you are responsible for in this endeavor. Here is another view of something to try:

On the higher calling site you can find books and podcasts and bible studies and other websites dedicated to this issue. Consume yourself with knowledge. Attack it head on. Wake up every day and pray for patience and deliverance.

Freedom is available to you my brother. Have hope.
