Sunday, December 31, 2006

we have a very good sex life and still I cant stop

8 years and still...

I am 26. I have 3 kids a beautiful wife. I cant get away from this p0rn thing. I don't know what is wrong with me but if I don't get away from this I... well I don't really know. I'm not depressed or anything I just feel like an a$$. My wife is the most beautiful girl i know and we have a very good sex life and still I cant stop. I need help!!


Anonymous said...

This is an amazing website to help keep you accountable. The trouble for me is taking the step to sign up because once I do, i know it is all over. The adrenaline rush will be no more. But i think it seems pretty fool proof. Best of luck.

Anonymous said...


Before I say anything, I just want to thank God for you and for your heart to come and say what's on your mind. I too, have struggled with pornography in the past. If this is an addiction that you want to have victory over, the first thing that you need to realize is that no man can win this battle on his own. We need to rely on the power of the Holy Spirit to guide us. Also, we need to be in the Word daily and to be in prayer daily. Being a part of a Bible-believing church is extremely helpful. There, men can find accountability partners whom we can trust and whom we know we'll be 100% honest with. Again, being in the Word and in prayer daily is the only way to have victory over sexual sin. I wish you well friend and please respond if there are any other words of encouragement that I can offer to you. Dan

dewde said...


Thank you for taking the time to write that. I know that many will read it and I hope be helped by it. I do not struggle with pornography myself. But I know many, many people that do.

I run some of the sites in the Links section of this blog. These stories are real life accounts typed from the hands of the men and women that have lived them out. This blog is a collection of stories from many men and women. I want their stories heard and preserved, that is why I run this blog.